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Collateral Damage 움직이는 것은 무엇이든 쏴라

Images 이미지

Injoo Whang, Ji-Young Yoo, Yul-san Liem. Cloth, found objects, ink. 60" x 60" x 29", 2004

황인주, 유지영, 임율산. 천, 혼합 매체, 잉크, 60" x 60" x 29", 2004

Comments 코멘트


The numbers on the wall are pretty shocking and powerful. Though just figures and numbers, it is hard to imagine the magnitude of the costs of war and how each human life is worth and lost. The objects wrapped in cloth in the center are very symbolic of not only valued objects that refugees and civilians carried, but the weight of past memories of the war that remains in their minds.

The numbers on the wall are pretty shocking and powerful. Though just figures and numbers, it is hard to imagine the magnitude of the costs of war and how each human life is worth and lost. The objects wrapped in cloth in the center are very symbolic of not only valued objects that refugees and civilians carried, but the weight of past memories of the war that remains in their minds.

The numbers on the wall are pretty shocking and powerful. Though just figures and numbers, it is hard to imagine the magnitude of the costs of war and how each human life is worth and lost. The objects wrapped in cloth in the center are very symbolic of not only valued objects that refugees and civilians carried, but the weight of past memories of the war that remains in their minds.

The numbers on the wall are pretty shocking and powerful. Though just figures and numbers, it is hard to imagine the magnitude of the costs of war and how each human life is worth and lost. The objects wrapped in cloth in the center are very symbolic of not only valued objects that refugees and civilians carried, but the weight of past memories of the war that remains in their minds.

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