Family Reunion 가족상봉
Editor: Deann Borshay. Storyteller: Helen Kyungsook Daniels. Interviewer: Ramsay Liem, video 2005
최경숙은 1950년 한국전쟁 중 가족들과 헤어졌다. 그녀는 그로부터 41년 동안이나 어머니와 두 오빠들의 생사를 확인하지 못하다가, 1991년에야 언니와 함께 오빠들과 친척들이 북조선에 생존해 있다는 사실을 알아내고 그들과 평양에서 감동적인 상봉을 이뤘다. 그녀의 이야기는 전쟁의 유산인 천만 이산가족의 이야기를 대표하는 동시에 통일을 향한 남북 주민 모두의 염원의 불씨를 엿보게 한다.
Helen Daniels was separated from her family in 1950 during the Korean War. For 41 years, she did not know what happened to her mother and whether her two brothers were dead or alive. Finally, in 1991, she and her sister were re-united with their brothers and extended family in an emotional reunion in Pyongyang. Helen's story epitomizes the legacy of war that continues to keep millions of family members separated from one another, and reveals the spark of hope that both sides hold for reunification.
Editor: Deann Borshay. Storyteller: Helen Kyungsook Daniels. Interviewer: Ramsay Liem, video 2005
This piece was so very moving to me. I have studied research my whole life, but I have never been moved in such a way as I have by the depth and breadth of this multimedia effort. I am not sure that research without the additional film, preformance art, and textile pieces is really telling the story: it only gives us a glimpse into the question, not the humanity. The human experience cannot be told without these many forms of expression, all complimenting each other, each speaking individually to connect a whole experience. Remarkable, sad, wonderful, uplifting, and such of demonstration of the core of what makes us human, what we strive for and what, in the end is important. How we forget so easily about personal experience and its meaning. Thank you for giving me this window into the lives of so many, in such a personal and precious way.
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